This statement together with the policies and procedures sets out the environmental issues associated with GIL’s business programs/projects. It is supported by associated environmental related procedures, which establish the principles for the control of environmental issues and enable OBEL to comply with the relevant statutory requirements. This document builds and supports OBEL’s Environmental Policy and to address the specific needs of their business.
The Directors of OBEL have overall responsibility for the formulation, implementation and development of their Environmental Policy. They are committed to, and will make staff aware of, the need to care for the environment. We, as OBEL, and as part of the community, will operate in a socially and ethically responsible manner, maintain the highest standards of safety and will respect the global, national and local environments.
We are committed to operating an environmental management system, which will deliver continuous environmental improvement. This will include a regular review of our environmental objectives and auditing compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations.
We will do all that we can, reasonably and practicably, to protect and preserve our natural habitat.
We are committed to manage our resources to save energy, reduce waste, promote recycling, avoid damage to the environment and prevent pollution. We will encourage the use of energy efficient equipment, techniques and applications.
We are committed to consult with a wide variety of local and national organizations and individuals who have an interest in environmental matters.